Guest's Photos
This page contains an inspiring collection of photos taken by guests on On the Deck while visiting Shark Bay. Many of them are taken from the Deck into the natural outback scrub in front of the property.
If you intend to stay at On the Deck @ Shark Bay make sure you bring your camera.

Two young males practising their boxing.
On the Deck @ Shark Bay from street level at night.
Credit: Alan Simpson - Jan 2021
These great shots were taken by Anja and Sergej Peters from Germany in April 2018. Anja and Sergej actually stayed downstairs in our Green Room but took every opportunity to get up onto the Deck to see the animals and socialise with the other guests.
Thanks for sharing your great work.
These great "mid bounce" kangaroo photos were taken by John Goldfinch from Victoria, Australia.
He entitled them "One of the locals coming to see the new arrivals".
The thorny Devil he came across in Francois Peron National Park with Garth from Shark Bay Coastal Tours.
The Dugong shot was taken during a wildlife cruise on Shotover.
Great shots John and thanks for posting them.

Two Emus grazing on the new grass after some recent rain.
Credit to Michael and Caroline Wilson from Brisbane, Australia.

The colours of Shark Bay.
Credit: Samantha and Ben From Perth.

Great shots of some locals having a drink at On fhe Deck
Credit: Nathalie Waller from Switzerland.

A great mother and calf Dugong action shot taken while on a Wildsights cruise on Shotover.
Credit: Kristin Schroer - Germany

Very rare twin Joeys in the mothers pouch taken from the Deck April 2022.
Credit: Dana Stoll - Perth, Western Australia.

Fun in the Wrangler in the rain.
Francois Peron National Park
July 2022
Kingsley, Paul and Annette

Daddy emu with a hutch of new chicks,
A new joey only just out of the pouch.
A great shot of a Shark Bay bottle nose dolphin.
Credit Robert Punter - UK - 2022

New spa first use.
Emu family in for a drink
My mate "Kia"
Credit Jess and Nick on honeymoon - UK - 2022

Some shots from the deck.
Mum and daughter
Full Moon
Credit: Christoph Reimann - Germany March 2023.

Look at these colours.
Three consecutive sunset shots over a 15 minute period without filters.
From the Deck in March.
Credit: Jessica Miller - NSW Central Coast - March 2024.

Mother and joey in the pouch.
Credit: Uli Speth - Germany - April 2024.

Alpha male with a treat.
Emus gone walkabout.
Credit: Erik van Eikenhorst - Germany - May 2024.

Great shot of an Echidna balling up.
Credit: Rupert Kiddle - Originally from WA, currently the Netherlands - July 2024.

Moon glow on the water from the Deck.
Credit: Anne Holzer - Singapore - February 2025.